"Cheek to cheek" è una canzone scritta da Irving Berlin nel 1935 per il film "Top Hat" di Fred Astaire e Ginger Rogers. Nel film Astaire canta questa canzone alla Rogers mentre
La canzone ottenne la nomination per il Best Song Academy Award (Premio Oscar) del 1936 ma perse contro "Lullaby of Broadway". La canzone incisa da Fred Astaire resistette ben
cinque settimane in testa alla classifica della Your Hit Parade e fu nominata canzone # 1 del 1935.
Questa canzone fu cantata da molti altri artisti, oltre a Fred Astaire, per esempio da Ella Fitzgerald o da Frank Sinatra del quale, in questo caso, abbiamo preferito l'esecuzione.
(Irving Berlin)
I'm in heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
The happiness I seek
When we're out together
Dancing cheek to cheek
I'm in heaven
And the cares
That hung around me
Through the week
Seem to vanish
Like a gamblers
Lucky streak
When we're out together
Dancing cheek to cheek
I love to climb a mountain
And to reach the highest peak
But it doesn't thrill me
Half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek
I love to go out fishing
In a river, or a creek
But I don't enjoy it half
As much as dancing
Cheek to cheek
Dance with me
I want my arm about you
That charm about you
Will carry me through to
I'm in heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
That happiness I seek
When we're out together
Swinging cheek to cheek
Come on and dance with me
I want my arm about you
That charm about you
Will carry me through
Right up to
I'm in heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
That happiness I seek
When we're out
Together dancing
Out together dancing
Out together dancing
Cheek to cheek